太田 冬美




太田 冬美 略歴 FUYUMI OOTA Profile
1982 東京生まれ
Born in Tokyo
Graduated from Tama Art University
Lives in Meguro-ku, Tokyo
個展 One-Woman Shows
1982 Gアートギャラリー(東京) G-Art Gallery, Tokyo
1984 「コラージュ展」
"Collage Exhibition", Space You, Tokyo
1985 Gアートギャラリー(東京) G-Art Gallery, Tokyo
1988 真木画廊(東京) Maki Gallery, Tokyo
1991 ガレリア南(東京) Galleria Minami, Tokyo
1993 Gアートギャラリー(東京)
G-Art Gallery, Tokyo
Art Gallery at Shinjuku Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd.,Tokyo
1994 札幌三越ギャラリー(札幌)
Art Gallery at Sapporo Branch, Mitsukoshi, Ltd.,Sapporo
Fine Art Department Gallery, Sakae Store,Nagoya Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Nagoya
1995 日本橋三越本店特選画廊(東京) Fine Art Department Gallery at Nihonbashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo
1996 新宿三越アートギャラリー(東京) Art Gallery at Shinjuku Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd.,Tokyo
1997 名古屋三越栄本店特選画廊(名古屋)
Fine Art Department Gallery, Sakae Store,
Yu Gallery, Tokyo
1998 日本橋三越本店特選画廊(東京)
Fine Art Department Gallery at Nihonbashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo
Excellent art purchase Japan 1997
1999 アネックス日動画廊(東京) Galerie Nichido Annex, Tokyo
2002 ギャラリー和田(東京) Galerie Wada, Tokyo
2003 軽井沢日動画廊(長野)
Galerie Nichido Karuizawa, Nagano
Galerie Nichido Nagoya, Nagoya
2005 ギャラリー和田(東京) Galerie Wada, Tokyo
2006 トルコ大使館・大使公邸内エントランス(東京) The Turkish Embassy in Tokyo
2007 ギャラリー和田(東京) Galerie Wada, Tokyo
2012 ギャラリー檜(ヒノキ)(東京) Gallery Hinoki B・C (Upcoming)
2016 ギャルリーコパンダール(東京) GalerieCopaindart(Tokyo)
2018 ギャルリーコパンダール(東京) GalerieCopaindart(Tokyo)
グループ展 Group Exhibition
1982 「H-22展」(横浜) "H-22 Exhibition", Yokohama
1983 「Two Weeks Show」
"Two Weeks Show", Amber House Gallery, Tokyo
1985 「Mad Summer'85展」スペース遊 "Mad Summer '85", Space You, Tokyo
1993 「ペキの会展」
"Peki no Kai", Toho Art, Osaka and Mainichi Art Collection, Nagoya
"Group Exhibition of Young Oil Painters", Art Gallery at Hoshigaoka Store, Nagoya Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Nagoya
"Exhibit for Two", Ginza Gallery Nakazawa, Tokyo
1995 「両洋の目 現代の絵画展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings", Gallery on the Seventh Floor at Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo
"The Gallery of Tatsuhiko Shibusawa I", Gallery Nichido, Tokyo
"Meguro Art" Meguro Museum of Art (Tokyo)
1996 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Gallery on the Seventh Floor at Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo
"Exhibition of Peki," Emori Gallery (Tokyo)
"Meguro Art" Meguro Museum of Art (Tokyo)
1997 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Gallery on the Seventh Floor at Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo
"Three Perspectives," Emori Gallery (Tokyo)
"Cross Society," Oh Senta Gallery (Yokohama)
"Meguro Art" Meguro Museum of Art (Tokyo)
1998 「第4回 1998 美の予感-洋画」
「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
 大垣市 スイトピアセンターアートギャラリー(岐阜)、今治市河野美術館(愛媛)
"4th 1998 Feeling of beauty - Western" Art Gallery on the 6th floor Nihonbashi Takashimaya (Tokyo)
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Gallery on the Seventh Floor at Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo
"Meguro Art" Meguro Museum of Art (Tokyo)
"Excellent art exhibition showing purchase Japan" Japan Art Academy Hall (Tokyo)
"Four Artists Exhibition" GALLERY Iseyoshi(Tokyo)
"Exhibition of Contemporary Art Selection," Center Art Gallery Suitopia Ogaki (Gifu), Kono Museum Imabari (Ehime)
1999 「太田冬美・崔 恩景展」
「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
「第20回 日本の美 現代女流美術展」
Exhibition "Ota Fuyumi Choi Eun-kyung," Toho Art (Tokyo), Mitsukoshi Art Gallery, Matsuyama (Ehime)
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Gallery on the Seventh Floor at Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo
"Meguro Art" Meguro Museum of Art (Tokyo)
group exhibitions・Did you see the wind! Gallery Dentsu Kousan (Tokyo)
"Exhibition of Beauty corridor" Arukurio Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi (Tokyo)
"Glass painting contemporary artist exhibition" Galerie Nichido (Tokyo)
"Contemporary Art Exhibition female beauty 20th Japan" Ueno Royal Museum (Tokyo), Hakone Open-Air Museum (Kanagawa) "Kanayama Heizou Prize art exhibition," Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art (Hyogo)
2000 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
「Les Carre's展」ギャルリー江守(東京)、
「第45回記念 現代洋画代表作家展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Mitsukoshi Department store in Nihonbashi, 7th Floor Gallery (Tokyo), Ohara Museum of Art (Okayama) and others, "group exhibitions・Did you see the wind!" Gallery Dentsu Kousan (Tokyo)
"Les Carre's Exhibition" Galerie Emori (Tokyo), Galerie Nichido Nagoya (Nagoya)
"Exhibition of Contemporary Western artists representing the 45th anniversary," Galerie Nichido Nagoya (Nagoya)
"Ryoyo no Me-Korea Exchange Exhibition 2000" Gallery, Seoul (Korea)
2001 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
「第46回 現代洋画代表作家展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Department 7th Floor Gallery (Tokyo), Ohara Museum of Art (Okayama), "Exhibition of Contemporary Western artists of the 46th national" Nichido Gallery, Nagoya (Nagoya), "Annex Exhibition" Galerie Nichido Nagoya (Nagoya)
2002 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
「第2回Les Carre's展〈正方形への結束〉」
「第1回 埋火(うずみび)展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Department 7th Floor Gallery (Tokyo), Ohara Museum of Art (Okayama), "Les Carre's second exhibition <unity to the square>" Galerie Nichido Nagoya (Nagoya)
"Sleeping Fires, Part 1 (and try Eddy)" Exhibition Gallery Wada (Tokyo)
2003 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
「第5回 みな月展」
「第2回 埋火(うずみび)展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Matsuzaka Museum (Nagoya) and others
"All the Fifth Exhibition Mon," Galerie Nichido Nagoya (Nagoya)
Exhibition "message of peace," Sato Museum (Tokyo)
Sleeping Fires, Part 2 (and try Eddy) Exhibition Gallery Wada (Tokyo)
2004 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
「第3回 埋火(うずみび)展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Matsuzaka Museum (Nagoya) and others
"Anemos" Exhibition Gallery Wada (Tokyo), Gallery Kobayashi (Osaka) and others
Exhibition "figure of a woman painter," Galerie Nichido Nagoya (Nagoya)
Sleeping Fires, Part 3 (and try Eddy) Exhibition Gallery Wada (Tokyo)
2005 「目黒の美術」目黒美術館(東京)
「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
"Meguro Art" Meguro Museum of Art (Tokyo)
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Gallery on the Seventh Floor at Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo and others
"Anemos" Exhibition Gallery Wada (Tokyo), Gallery Kobayashi (Osaka) and others
Exhibition "figure of a woman painter," Galerie Nichido Nagoya (Nagoya)
2006 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Gallery on the Seventh Floor at Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo
"Anemos" Exhibition Gallery Wada (Tokyo), Gallery Kobayashi (Osaka) and others
Exhibition "figure of a woman painter," Galerie Nichido Nagoya (Nagoya)
2007 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Gallery on the Seventh Floor at Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo and others
"Anemos" Exhibition Gallery Wada (Tokyo), Gallery Kobayashi (Osaka) and others
Exhibition "figure of a woman painter," Galerie Nichido Nagoya (Nagoya)
2008 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Gallery on the Seventh Floor at Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo and others
"Anemos" Exhibition Gallery Wada (Tokyo), Gallery Kobayashi (Osaka) and others
2009 「両洋の眼 現代の絵画展」
"Ryoyo no Me Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings" Gallery on the Seventh Floor at Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi, Ltd., Tokyo and others
Exhibition "figure of a woman painter," Galerie Nichido Tokyo(Tokyo), Galerie Nichido Fukuoka(Fukuoka)
Exhibition "figure of a woman painter," Galerie Nichido Nagoya (Nagoya)
2010 「イノセント展」東邦アート(東京)
「interactive Ⅳ展」ギャラリー檜A (東京)
"Interactive exhibition Ⅳ" Gallery Hinoki A (Tokyo)
2011 「イノセント展」東邦アート(東京)
2012 「イノセント展」東邦アート(東京)
2013 「第66回立軌展」出品、東京都美術館(東京)
2014 「第67回立軌展」出品、東京都美術館(東京)
「イノセント展 ― 抽象の彼方」
「LE VENT D'AVRIL ― 4月の風展」
「N+N展2014 油絵の魅力
 ― うつくしい いろ・かたち・マティエール」
2015 「第68回立軌展」出品、東京都美術館(東京)
2016 「軌展」ギャラリー絵夢(東京)
2017 「第4回Femmes展」高輪画廊(東京) 「女性画家の姿展」名古屋日動画廊(名古屋) 「6人のフォルム」兜屋画廊(東京) 「立軌展('18, '20)」東京都美術館(東京) 「第5回 石垣定哉コレクション展」松菱・美術画廊(三重) 「軌展('18)」ギャラリー絵夢(東京)  
2018 「が・ら・す 絵展」ギャルリ・サロンドエス(東京) 「Femmes展('19, '20)」高輪画廊(東京) 「素描展2018」高輪画廊(東京) 「Paper worksの魅力」ギャルリ・サロンドエス(東京)  
2019 「nature trois展
 ~太田冬美・大山智子・嶋村有里子三人展~」ギャルリ・サロンドエス('21')(東京) 「第15回 パリ祭展」高輪画廊(東京)
2020 「新春を愛でる ― がらす絵とコラージュ展 ―」ギャルリ・サロンドエス(東京) 「高輪画廊 開廊30周年記念展」高輪画廊(東京)  
2021 「三人展 ― 旅の記憶とともに」
 (板倉 遥・島 栄里子・太田 冬美)ギャルリー・コパンダール(東京)
2022 「現代作家美術展 ― これからの美術界を見据えて ―」 ギャラリー絵夢(東京)  
2022 「第75回 立軌展」 東京都美術館(東京)  

現在 立軌会同人

パブリックコレクション The public collection
Fuchu museum
Aichi Prefecture Kariya City museum